5 Innovative Ideas To Beautify Your Brick Pathways
A well-planned and executed walkway adds beauty to your home. It makes your home elegant and welcoming. Have you ever considered building your walkway with bricks? You are free to call it outmoded, but a brick walkway still possesses the charm it used to have, aside from being classic. Imagine walking through your garden on a brick walkway. You can use different brick colors to design your walkway for a unique look. Here are some inspiring ideas to beautify your home/garden walkway.
Decorate it With Colorful Flowers

Pathways look gorgeous when lined with colorful flowers. You can use hedges or any hardy, beautiful flowers.
Introduce a Pergola

You can build a pergola at a section of the walkway to enhance its beauty. Aside from being a source of shade, the pergola creates some sort of height and visual beautification.
Add a water channel
Adding water channels into your brick walkway design may be capital intensive, depending on the style. However, if you have the resources, it is a stylish way to decorate your walkway. This channel can serve as the water source for your pool or for irrigation purposes.
Be innovative with the design
Let the walkway have a touch of innovative designs. It shouldn’t always be straight and equal in size throughout. You can introduce a roundabout at some point, especially at the point where the path takes you to other places. You can also have it curvy or narrow at a point and widen at another point.
Create a Focal Point
When creating multiple pathways, design them in a way that meets a particular paint in the house. You can then create something like a resting area, shade, or a waterfront at this focal point to beautify the area.