A Tastefully Roasted Collection Of 40 Distasteful Home Décor Ideas
“That’s It, I’m Home/Home Decor Shaming” is an infamous Facebook group that takes people’s outrageous decor ideas and ridicules them. Although, at first, we felt terrible for those unfortunate souls, we’ve come to the conclusion that they needed a reality check. Honestly, some people really do make some poor home decor choices, and this group is here to keep them grounded. It isn’t very pleasant for those people, but for us, it’s super entertaining and insightful. We’ve had a field day of researching and finding the best ones for you to roast. If you are thrilled to see the 40 images we chose from the bunch, keep scrolling! We hope you’ll enjoy them and our commentary as much as we did!
A Fire Hazard
The first one has multiple flaws. First of all, it’s a fire hazard. They say you should never put a stove and a refrigerator next to each other. Secondly, you can’t use the stove or the fridge if you put them next to each other like this.

This is a decorative and architectural catastrophe, threatening to become dangerous. We can’t comprehend how they use the fridge?! Perhaps they don’t use it at all, hence the inability to open the refrigerator door. Then why not remove it and make space for something else?!
Bad Execution
The idea behind this was probably much better than the outcome turned out to be. We hope that’s the case. This time, we are talking about a bathroom with a beautiful bathtub and jacuzzi. It sounds like a dream come true, right?!

It’s not the worst thing possible, but it’s not good either. It’s too much. When things get too excessive and over the top, we tend not to like it at all. We are not shaming, though. We think someone surely loves this space to decompress and relax. It’s just not our cup of tea.
When we laid eyes on this next image you’re about to encounter, we got an instant headache! It’s so bad, especially if you are a perfectionist or have obsessive-compulsive tendencies and insist on things being symmetrical. You can’t say we didn’t warn you.

Someone made this cursed fireplace and was like, ‘Yeah, that’ll do it, perfect.’ How?! This bothers us to our core, and we rarely consider ourselves obsessed with perfection, order, and symmetry. There is something so wrong about this. Please agree.
If you are anything like us, you’ll stare at this picture for a really long time until figuring out what’s the deal with it. Lucky for you, you have us to guide you along the way, so you don’t go astray. If you are confused dot com, pay attention to the dog.

It’s not real. Nope. The dog is ceramic. We could’ve sworn everything about this picture was ‘normal,’ besides stair railings that are a bit confusing and unstructured. However, we were super wrong. We find having those true-to-life ceramic sculptures to be very cringe.
Tiny Tub
Someone asked, “How does anyone even fit in this tub?” One user replied, “You don’t.” We found that short remark to be super hilarious. But, seriously, though. Who is this bathtub for, if not little people? Is it only meant to be for children and pets? We have no idea.

Another user contemplated that the toilet is too big, so the tub looks tiny in comparison. We can’t say we agree with that. The tub looks small either way. Perhaps we are too used to the western tub style, so we find this unusual.
All At Once
Remember when we talked about being excessive and how it turns us off immediately?! Prepare to see something so dramatic and flamboyant that we couldn’t take our eyes off it, not in a good way. Without further ado, feast your eyes.

We don’t know where to look at first. Everything is too dominant and flashy. It cancels one another. Someone probably couldn’t agree on the aesthetics of the house, or they wanted to incorporate as much as possible into 15 square meters.
Gnome Tree
If we could give one of these pictures a pass, it would be this one. It’s not as bad as the other ones, and we could see the idea behind it. We love it, even though it’s ridiculous and hilarious. It’s a giant gnome, for goodness sake!

Not only is there a giant gnome, but it looks like a Christmas tree. Additionally, if you look carefully, a few normal-sized gnomes are worshiping the big one. It’s like a deity and its followers. We are kind of obsessed with it, for better or for worse.
Anxiety Inducing
Those pictures that read, “Live, laugh, love’, or “breathe” will be our 13th reason! This one we have is from the same realm of home decor. A simple black frame with a default white paper picture and words: I am enough, times 7.

Not only is it pointless, but it also is anxiety-inducing, and it lets your guests know that you are struggling with something. You are enough, and you don’t need a picture frame to scream it back at you whenever you pass it by. Relax, and maybe find a photo of a sunset.
Baby Fever
When someone says they have baby fever, this is not something we picture in our heads. This is more like a fever dream that includes baby dolls and a glass tabletop. We know it sounds confusing, but you just need to believe us.

Please, tell us you see it too?! It’s not something we concocted in our minds due to excessive amounts of coffee and work! We were seriously worried about our state of mind, and now the people who made this thought it was cool.
What In Carnation?!
We are super confused about this picture. We are not sure what it is supposed to be. Is it carpeted everything?! We’ve never seen anything quite like it. It not only looks foul and gross, but it’s probably super unsanitary and smelly.

Nothing says, “What’s that smell?” quite like this picture. It seems like all kinds of things can get trapped in the material and soak it all in. We wonder how and what can wash this. How often do you think you should wash it? It’s best to avoid it together.
Can You Tell They Love Green?
Some people love a specific color so much that they make it their entire personality. This is especially apparent among people that love the color purple. Do you like purple? Then where are your purple bed, violet desk, and lavender computer chair?!

These people adore the color green, so much so that they have it in every variation possible. This bathroom looks foul. Let’s face it. It reminds us of those old bathrooms that smell really bad. Let’s keep the bathrooms clean looking!
Black Christmas
Did you know that there is a horror movie called Black Christmas? We loved it back in the day. It’s nothing revolutionary. It was just creepy and honestly deeply disturbing. There is a remake from 2019, as well. But that’s beside the point.

The movie was the first thing we thought of when we saw this image. Someone decided to make a black Christmas theme a thing. We don’t know how we feel about it. Something about it is super classy yet also somewhat dark and eerie. We’ll pass.
Ho Ho Ho
Is there anything better than a Santa Claus that stares at you when you’re doing number two in the toilet? Nah, we didn’t think so. That’s why these good people decided to make a Santa Claus toilet, and they’re super proud about it.

We feel like this could be fun for children during the festivities, yet, we can’t help but wonder, what would children think of Santa then?! Is it somewhat disrespectful, and what would happen if your neighbor comes by dressed as father Christmas…awkward…
That’s Uncomfy
Let’s stay on the topic of toilets for a bit. We never thought we’d say something like that. Alas, we digress. This next toilet looks far less comfortable than a soft Santa’s beard. We would never want to be destined for this toilet. We hope no one will be.

Whose amazing idea was this, we wonder. This is, for one, extremely unpleasant on the skin (probably?), and secondly, it’s unsanitary! Also, how does one clean this?! Whoever made this, we commend your dedication to the aesthetics and motif. We could never…
Medieval Bathroom
This one reminded us of medieval times and torture chambers if we’re honest with you. We don’t like it one bit, and if you do, or this is your bathroom, we are really sorry. But this ain’t it, friend. We promise you. You can do better.

This doesn’t look like a bathtub we’d like to enter at any point in our lives. It’s dirty, and it somehow looks unwelcoming and freezing cold. The four wooden pillars are questionable, and the way the door opens directly towards it is awkward. Sorry.
Too Many Possibilities…
Entering this room might feel like entering a portal to many possibilities. The path you choose will shape your destiny. Are you familiar with the butterfly effect? Your choices impact your future. That’s what we feel like we are watching.

So, for example, if you fall from this, you’ll break your leg, and if you hit your head on this, you’ll get a concussion. Or, if you break the ladder and fall down, you’ll definitely get multiple fractions. See? Oh, how beautiful…
What In The Grandma Wonderland?!
Grandma’s have their own unique sense of fashion, and we can’t judge! There are some highly fashionable grannies and style icons out there, if you will. This one is, unfortunately, not what we were hoping for. It’s a total and utter disaster.

Everything in this picture has the same print. Everything is checkered. We have nothing against this. To be frank, we love it on skirts, pants, and blazers. However, this room evokes a panic attack! Doesn’t it look deeply claustrophobic and dusty?!
Peanut Humor
Yes, this piece is appealing only if you are a ten-year-old class clown and goofball. We can’t see anyone else actually enjoying and wasting money on this thing. If we forget about the looks of it, it is kind of scary, too. Nightmare fuel, for sure.

Tell us you won’t have nightmares with this on your bedside table! Imagine it snatching your foot that’s dangling from the side of the bed. We just got the creeps. It’s the smile. It’s somehow too big and happy – almost grotesque.
Comfy Throne
Royal families loved their thrones to be comfortable and soft. Who wouldn’t?! They are sitting on them often, so why not make them the best they can be. Yet, some people always take things too far and decide to make their personal ‘thrones’ comfy, too.

If you have a son, imagine the mess they would inevitably make trying to manage this toilet. It’s not their fault. Who, in their right mind, thinks of an idea like this. We can’t imagine how trippy it must be going number one or two on a soft surface.
In Plain Sight
People are easily embarrassed creatures. We tend to hide our private parts and go somewhere where no one will see us if we need to tinkle. That’s why this photo feels slightly sinister and threatening. We hope that this was simply a practical joke.

It’s unimaginable that someone would do this and not find it strange or weird at all. We can’t imagine that person. We think that this was all just a joke or a fake scenario someone made to go viral. Right? Tell us we are right…
Spy Kids Remastered
Remember how the furniture in the Spy Kids movies was so strange and kind of retro-futuristic at the time?! We genuinely loved the franchise! This living room furniture reminded us of that show. Not to say that we like that style or anything.

If we were in this room, we would be extra careful in how we move and what we do, simply not to break something or damage any piece of furniture. It all looks so breakable and plastic almost. All in all, not the best, but definitely not the worst.
Barbie’s Bedroom
Someone might think this is super cute, and you know what, we can’t say we are opposed to it entirely. We love little bits and pieces, but not the whole extravaganza. You must have a specific style to purchase all this and make it your bedroom.

Don’t get us wrong! We would love to take a nap on that bed. It looks hella comfy! We like the rug and the throw on the bed, yet we can’t say we are as obsessed with the dresser and the vanity. It might be too much for our taste.
No More Toilet Paper? No problem!
We will never understand why people are so pressed and obsessed with overly decorating their bathrooms. It’s supposed to be sanitary and as easy to clean as possible! Excessive rugs and materials won’t make the job easy on you.

Why is that curtain behind the toilet? Where is the toilet paper?! And what is a bunny doing under the toilet seat?! Can someone provide us with the answers because we are out of them over here? You know what they say: no toilet paper, no problem…
Where Are We?!
This bedroom reminded us of Twilight and the meadow Bella and Edward often visit. It is their special place, their secret place, a place where she discovered that vampire skin glistens in the sunlight. We digress…Take a look.

Tell us we’re wrong, and our hunch doesn’t make any sense! This is so the bed that would be there. Of course, meadows usually have no bedrooms, yet it would be iconic. Nonetheless, we don’t like that vibe, and we prefer to see some complementary colors as well.
Barbie’s Kitchen
Remember Barbie’s bedroom? Get ready for Barbie’s kitchen. We feel like she would be an excellent cook, especially if she has resources like what you’re about to see. She is perfect, gorgeous, smart, funny, and fashionable! What an unrealistic standard for young girls…Yet, let’s take a look.

This would be a dream for any young child that loves the color pink. Children, when in love with a particular color, love to make it their trademark! This is either made for a child just like that or for a real-life Barbie doll.
Get Your Steps In
Everyone and their mother is obsessed with keeping track of the number of steps they make during the day. It’s rewarding, and we can’t deny it. We, ourselves, do it on a daily. This toilet was made with that particular thought in mind.

Someone made this and thought, “I’m gonna lose so much weight. I will get those extra steps and even work on my glute muscles! It’s a win-win! We couldn’t agree more, to be frank. However, it does look a bit silly and excessive.
Germophobes Worst Nightmare
Can someone please explain why there is a big bathtub in a room without any proper flooring? Also, we are wondering whether that’s paint or wallpaper separating from the wall itself. Too many questions and no answers. We’re afraid.

Someone said that was carpet on the floor, but we disagree. We think the carpet or flooring was ripped off or never set up in the first place. It all looks super unsanitary and dirty. We wouldn’t touch it with a wooden stick. It needs serious renovating!
A Cake Or A Living Room?
This didn’t even look like a decor fail to us. It looked like a wedding cake. It’s so excessive, flamboyant, and dramatic, yet the colors are so subdued and pastel that we were kind of into it. That is until we realized it was a salon or lounge area.

These sofas look like cupcakes, don’t they?! The rose-shaped rug is an added bonus. Even the decor pieces, like the statues and glasses on the coffee table, look unrealistic and fondant-like! Everything about it feels plastic, staged, and fake.
Full Transparency
Remember the toilet in the hall next to the staircase? Get ready for this next one because it will blow your mind off even harder. The aforementioned is at least really transparent and obvious, whereas this one is simply vile!

Imagine going to a co-worker’s house and having to tinkle so bad, just to find out the only working toilet is looking straight into floor-length glass windows?! We would be so pissed off! If this is the case, then where are your drapes and curtains, people?!
When You Watch Game Of Thrones Once…
We remember how the world was taken by storm by the Game of Thrones franchise. We mean books, TV shows, and even some board games and cosplay events. It was all over! It became a significant part of the internet culture.

This person obviously watched Game of Thrones and decided to redesign their whole house to match the vibes! We can’t say we hate it because we appreciate the effort, passion, and dedication. The neighborhood kids would definitely think you’re cool!
In The Name Of Thy Father…
We’ve encountered what we believe is one of the most religious, Christian living rooms. We have no idea what kind of content they watch in their free time, but the excess of crosses around the TV screen is what confuses us.

Maybe the parents have put this up in case their children watch some naughty business on the TV. Perhaps, it’s just to protect them from the bad movie curse when it’s playing, which means they will only watch wholesome, high-quality movies.
Brick is an expensive material. Now, you tell us why someone would spend a fortune on bricks when they don’t even look nice? How do you even think of this architectural project?! We are confused. No wonder we found it in this Facebook group.

Instead of red brick, the owner could’ve used a more affordable material to create a better outdoor space and atmosphere. This just looks too formal and bureaucratic but in a bad way. The statue’s color also clashes too much. We’re not a fan.
How Many Apples Do You Want? – YES!
When someone likes a certain food, like a piece of fruit or vegetable, they can easily overdo it but, in a sense: overeat it. Yet, this person took it to another level. They not only love apples, but they had to include them in their home decor.

One apple a day keeps the doctor away, they say. Well, the doctor fears this house like a plague with that logic—poor fellow. What garlic is for vampires, apple is for doctors, it seems. This family has nothing but health, wealth, and happiness. And apples.
Mean Girls Went Meaner
We can’t say what captured our attention at first, was it the pink, leopard-print fridge or the chair with bloody writing in the background. Not only does this family love leopard prints in different colors, but they are also fans of Mean Girls.

We are receiving that chair’s message as a threat. It looks kind of sinister and rude, doesn’t it?! And how do we even comment on that animal-print freak show in the kitchen… We are, sometimes, at a loss for words.
We couldn’t believe this picture was real when we first saw it. We thought it was a mere painting, yet, it seems that this is a living room nook, and it’s one hundred percent real. Furthermore, we are very creeped out by the whole ordeal.

First of all, it has several dolls. There is nothing eerier than dolls dressed in flamboyant dresses. Also, Christmas trees are covered with a transparent cloth in the right corner. Then, there is the fact that everything is overly saturated and extremely bright.
Another House, Another Throne
Game of Thrones Remastered – that’s how we should’ve called it. Why are people so adamant about putting their toilets on a high pedestal? We will never understand it. How could you even feel comfortable doing the job from that perspective is beyond us.

Perhaps it works better when you are in higher altitudes?! What else could be the possible explanation?! Maybe people just enjoy sitting high up, above sea level. Whatever the case may be, we would love to try it out and see what the fuss is all about.
Conversation Pit
This one, we kind of like. We think it’s adorable, not gonna lie. This decor idea definitely came from a child and, as such, is not prone to the same amount of criticism as a full-grown adult, does it? It’s not the same level of responsibility.

Someone filled this conversation pit with countless toys. There is even a blanket in the middle and some cushions for a child, we’d imagine. This would be our childhood dream, man! Having a pit filled with our favorite plushies as a kid is like dreams come true!
More Is More Philosophy
Some people love a lot of things and decorating with many pieces of furniture and knick-knacks. We can’t say we are ones to enjoy maximalism. We are not minimalists either, just somewhere in the middle. For us, balance is key.

What we hope is the case is that this person was just so excited for Easter that they overly decorated their outdoor space. There are birds, a flamingo, dogs, children, butterflies, flowers, pots… Sometimes, less is more, yet sometimes more is more, too.
70s’ Couch
We love vintage pieces and furniture! It’s our jam! Yet, sometimes, some things are too vintage to be cool vintage, ya know?! Your great-aunt Gertrude’s stained couch that smells like nicotine is a perfect example of uncool vintage furniture.

Maybe Gertrude passed away, and you want to keep something of hers for a life-long memory, yet, we urge you to think again. Find something daintier and better. Find something timeless. This one’s time ran out 30 years ago.
Absurdity Level 9000
There are a lot of things wrong with this shower/bathtub monstrosity. Firstly, there is a staircase leading to the shower/bathtub. Secondly, the construction around the place where you shower is not well protected at all, and the water will destroy the wall and carpet.

Also, if you look closely enough, you’ll notice there is a chain and a lock at the entrance of the tub structure. What do they think they were doing with that?! And what does it actually achieve rather than, well, nothing?! So many questions and zero answers…