Inspiring Cabinet Designs For The Modern Kitchen
The modern look has progressed substantially over the last few years, giving way to more creative, stylistic kitchen designs. What we’ve lost in the homey, rustic feel of the classic kitchens of the old days, we’ve gained in sleek, clutter-free, and ever so aesthetically pleasing designs. If you love your kitchen, we suggest checking out these inspiring kitchen designs that show off the modern lifestyle.
Wooden Modern-Retro With Corian
This kitchen takes inspiration from the psychedelia-infused 70s with a smooth concentric design and combines it with flowing lines, lighter wood, and concrete to give a modern-retro kind of feel. The appliance garages – with slide-down aluminum doors to cover them when not in use – contrast incredibly well with the white Corian cabinets. To maintain an inviting feeling at night, add some indirect halogen or LED lighting.
Geometric Eccentricity
This kind of kitchen is a reminder that there are no rules in design. Your kitchen a part of your home that should feel comfortable and exciting to be in. So if you want to get weird in your style with geometrical shapes that defy the design norms, go for it! They could even double as a geometry lesson for your kids.
The Ultra Dark, Ultra Modern Look
When in doubt, paint it black! This look is all about owning it and has a super sophisticated modern feel to it. The cabinets are free of any hardware, but if we added hardware, we’d go with a chrome finish to add an extra bit of edginess to this already edgy design. Any color would go well with black, but we think red adds a powerful dynamic to the space.