Mastering Maximalism: 35+ Inspiring Examples Of Flawless Design

By Joyce S

Maximalism has stormed onto the scene, stealing the limelight from minimalism’s sleek and understated style. It exudes a bold and vibrant attitude that demands attention. The pièce de résistance, perhaps the ultimate highlight, are the rooms adorned with majestic proportions and lively hues.

If you desire a space that exclaims “more is more,” remember these key design elements: vivid colors, daring wall coverings like wallpapers or curtains, an amalgamation of patterns featuring contrasting motifs such as animal prints, geometric shapes, or florals, and statement pieces. Prepare to amplify the volume of your decor!

Unleash your wild side with this audacious interior design style and let it reflect your unique identity like a fingerprint. The limitless possibilities allow you to create a maximalist haven that sparks joy, one piece at a time.

Artsy To A Fault

Being a maximalist doesn’t mean living in a hoarder’s paradise. Maximalist rooms are more like beautifully chaotic masterpieces, where every inch is adorned with a delightful mishmash of colors, patterns, and art. It’s okay if you don’t have a favorite painter to fill your home with aesthetically pleasing matching art pieces.

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If your walls appear a bit claustrophobic, fear not! It’s as easy as stealing candy from a baby to give your art piece the spotlight it deserves. Let your bookshelves play matchmaker and introduce it to the world. And if you choose a canvas bursting with a kaleidoscope of hues, extra congratulations to you!

Mural Paintings

Don’t worry if patterned wallpaper isn’t your thing. There are plenty of alternative methods to bring color and vibrancy to your home decor, specifically to your walls. Painted murals offer a fantastic opportunity to transform a space, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere.

Image courtesy of Christina Marie Quinones

Why not consider painting a captivating mural on the wall adjacent to your living room or entryway? It will bring a fresh burst of brightness to the area. Opting for nature-inspired motifs such as florals and leaves will infuse your mural with joy. This artistic addition can elevate any room’s visual appeal, making it significantly more intriguing.

Antique Flair

When it comes to small spaces, the age-old advice is to keep the decor low-key. But who needs rules when you can throw a maximalist party in your living room? A trendy choice in this rebellious movement is contemporary chintz, a classic receiving a modern facelift.

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However, let’s not get carried away with an exclusively modern approach. Embracing a mix-and-match strategy with timeless pieces can result in a maximalist paradise reflecting your individuality. Consider incorporating vintage furniture or cherished family relics to add a personal touch and complete the decor.

Curio Cabinets

A curio cabinet alone already brings enough elegance to any type of interior design, whether you go minimalist or maximalist. Now, this gorgeous vintage curio cabinet that displays a vast collection of sculpted hands is just one of a kind. 

Image courtesy of Anna Hafner

Older furniture is an excellent choice for those with an eye for style and a tighter budget, as it allows us to indulge in our love for timeless pieces. The price of a vintage furniture item is often lower than a similarly crafted new piece. Remember to explore thrift shops to discover hidden gems and unique finds.

A Splash Of Greenery

It’s a fact that maximalism can embrace a color code. We can adhere to a specific hue and still go all out with our decor. In this small space, a green oasis is created where plants, books, and comfort coexist in perfect harmony without appearing basic.

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Maximalist homes seem to have a natural affinity for bringing the outdoors in by filling every nook and cranny with plants. So why limit yourself to just a few modest plant additions when you can transform your space into a lush and verdant paradise? Embrace the jungle aesthetic and let your green friends run wild.

More Plants To Love

There’s a certain satisfaction in choosing a theme, selecting the perfect plants to fill your home, and styling it precisely as you’ve always desired. In fact, there’s an entire movement on Instagram dedicated to plant lovers known as the #plantshelfie.

Image courtesy of Valerie Perez

Instagram is a great platform to discover ideas on using plants as decor and keeping your space beautiful and fresh. To begin, consider experimenting with a diverse selection of plants, each offering variations in growth form, leaf size, color, texture, and overall appearance. For example, combining plants like Anthurium crystallinum with houseplants like Philodendron.

Speaking Of Plants (Again)

Now, we embark on a more eccentric approach to nature motifs. A keen sense of humor becomes the central element of this bathroom decor, creating an undeniably unique atmosphere. Every element in this compact bathroom deserves recognition, yet we have a particular favorite piece.

Image courtesy of Julie Crosby

Gazing at the ceiling evokes the sensation of having a small slice of the jungle in your bathroom—minus the bothersome mosquitoes. If transforming your bathroom into a jungle is your goal, explore authentic motifs that capture the essence of nature.

A Mysterious Decor

Millennials and younger generations are rejecting the dull and rigid minimalist styles of the past and wholeheartedly embracing maximalism to infuse their spaces with vibrant personality. Think of it as a catchy tune in a song, harmonizing with the rest of the symphony formed by your furnishings and embellishments.

Image courtesy of Cherri Nova

Maximalism celebrates the fearless embrace of color, pattern, and texture. Maintaining a sense of cohesion is important by incorporating a common theme throughout your home—ensuring that it doesn’t become an overwhelming and chaotic mess. Taking this small step of conscious effort contributes to a more interconnected environment overall!

A Flood Of Pastels

Don’t hesitate to mix and match various materials and designs. Maximalism encourages playful pattern experimentation. Brighter and livelier is better, though there are some rules to follow. Make use of a limited palette of intense hues, such as jewel tones. These pastel hues are just fabulous.

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Throw cushions, sculptures, elaborate furnishings, and vibrant hues—this living area beautifully showcases a diverse array of decorative items. The abundance of patterns adds an extra layer of excitement and joy. It’s a wonderful feeling when individuals enjoy seeing their homes adorned with items and colors they love.

Cute Hues In The Bathroom

This lovely kid’s bathroom incorporates a cheerful pattern and vibrant colors to make shower time exciting for children. The vanity mirror’s color block and bubble design effortlessly catch the eye, contrasting with the intricately decorated walls. Are you seeking a spot to display your child’s artwork?

Image courtesy of Alison Shadid

Indulge in a touch of art as you unwind in this vibrant and delightful gallery bathroom. Combine your child’s favorite drawings with lively prints to create an even more captivating display. This adorable bathroom will make your kids eagerly anticipate brushing their teeth.

We Don’t Know Where To Look

Well, it seems we have a bold maximalist decor proudly waving its crimson banners, but we believe this room still has a fighting chance. If you constantly find yourself engaged in a game of furniture Jenga to find a spot for your coffee mug, it might be time to reassess your maximalist inclinations.

Image courtesy of Tiffany Koch

While this compact living area has the potential to look stunning, it feels like a journey through multiple dimensions, which can be disorienting. You have two options: either expand your furniture collection or Marie Kondo your life. Let’s ensure that the space is not suffering from an identity crisis and create a harmonious ambiance.

Not Spooky At All

To create an illusion of a larger space, adorn the walls and floor with scattered flowers. For a cohesive aesthetic, choose a few wallpaper colors and incorporate them throughout the room, including on the furniture and decorative accents. This unified approach will create a more expansive and harmonious environment.

Image courtesy of Dawn Golna

In the spirit of the maximalist aesthetic, explore combining floral elements with contrasting patterns, such as stripes or an animal theme. This juxtaposition adds an intriguing dynamic to the room. And let’s remember the standout piece of decor: the skeleton dressed as a charming dancer, bringing a touch of uniqueness to the space.

Hello, Kitty!

Kids of all ages love the Hello Kitty theme. If you believe your little one would also adore it, why not surprise them with a perfectly themed room makeover? Transform their space into a magical wonderland brimming with accessories that will bring joy to you and your child.

Image courtesy of Amie B Chansler

Infuse the room with extra cuteness by placing Hello Kitty items in tiny nooks and crannies, such as the cabinet knobs, or utilizing the figurines as adorable bookends. This idea works wonders, especially if your kids share a room and both are fond of this beloved character.

Maxi Decor From Scratch

Designing our homes is akin to selecting a fashion statement that resonates with our soul. For some individuals, decorating involves embracing everything they love and adorning every nook and cranny of the house, much like a toddler gleefully applying stickers. And there are indeed numerous advantages to this approach.

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There’s no need to settle for dull and predictable home decor when we can embrace maximalism and transform our space into a lively and eclectic masterpiece. Experiment with mixing and matching patterns, explore a vibrant color palette and give free rein to your creativity to craft a breathtaking and memorable visual experience.

Yes, There’s a Cow In The Bathroom

If you believe artwork is exclusively reserved for the living room, dining room, and bedroom, it may be time to expand your artistic horizons. Well, someone’s got to appreciate the unsung heroes of the restroom. This is an extreme design, but it’ll help you open your mind.

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Don’t let your bathroom walls be boring any longer. It’s time to channel your inner Andy Warhol and finally give your loo the artistic flair it deserves. Dare to break the mold! Inject some joy into your life with a moo-velous pop art cow painting.

A Spaceship Bathroom

This bathroom exudes the lively atmosphere of a vibrant party, with its captivating hot pink vanity set and bold, vibrant patterned wallpaper stealing the show. The bright and colorful tiles, complemented by round mirrors and delicate lighting, add to the overall charm.

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Looks like someone’s got a knack for color coordination. This room is the perfect blend of playfulness and glam. Your child will undoubtedly be thrilled to have such a cozy and vibrant bathroom. This blend of pinks, blues, and yellows gives the bathroom accessories a run for their money.

Decorating A Small Space

Don’t be a basic bathroom bore—embrace the opportunity to venture beyond the traditional white and blue color scheme! In small spaces, being bold is not a drawback but rather a standout feature. This powder room exemplifies spooky yet stylish aesthetics, resembling a haunted house dedicated to your hygiene routine.

Image courtesy of Nina Scherenberg

The Halloween-themed pattern wallpaper perfectly complements the brown wood vanity and gleaming gold-toned fixtures, turning every visit to the restroom into an exhilarating adventure. This bold and captivating design is not limited to homes alone. Many themed restaurants and bars also choose striking decorations to create an unforgettable ambiance.

Whimsical Approach

At first glance, you might mistake this space for a library, given Dolly Parton’s shiny books adorning the shelves. However, it’s a bathroom featuring a delightful combination of inspirational messages and charming accent walls. Maximalism embraces the idea of living life to the fullest and boldest.

Image courtesy of Stephanie Mydock

In this farm-inspired bathroom, Dolly Parton, the queen of country music, makes her mark. But that’s just the beginning of the impressive decor ideas fit for royalty. Take your bathroom to the next level by incorporating a wooden sink, bringing the cozy ambiance of a farmhouse into your space.

Wait! What?

By looking at it, this design may not appear to be maximalist. However, it’s important to remember that maximalism is about infusing your space with playfulness, personal representation, and a touch of humor that will leave people laughing and amazed.

Image courtesy of Arlene Blankenship

A maximalist room is a visual feast akin to a lively party for your eyes. Colors, textures, patterns, and shapes converge to form a delightfully fun and vibrant space. Get ready for an eye-catching experience where every corner competes for attention, even down to the tiniest detail on the wall.

Eccentric, To Say The Least

Monochromatic wonderlands exude the mesmerizing power of color, completely transforming the atmosphere of a space. The enchantment of monochromatic rooms never ceases to captivate, drawing us into a realm where the ordinary fades away and pure color bliss takes center stage.

Image courtesy of Melissa Brooks

Never underestimate the power of monochromatic maximalism! It looks like someone knows how to turn up the volume on their monochromatic game. Monochromatic maximalism is like a party for your eyes, where colors mingle and dance without any stuffy dress code.

The Cutest So Far

Step aside, fancy furniture! The real stars of this living room are the two furry four-legged divas stealing the show. Adorableness overflows in this room, making it irresistibly charming. The sofa is a paradise of candy cotton, adorned with a wide variety of pillows in different shapes, colors, and sizes for you to indulge in. 

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The walls refuse to be overshadowed in their eclecticism, proudly displaying charming paintings (a shout out to the Frida Kahlo art). This living room exudes warmth and coziness. And even though pastels are known for their soft tones, a maximalist understands how to embrace these gentle hues boldly and stunningly.

Go Green!

Say goodbye to the era of stuffy dining areas. This design welcomes you like a refreshing breeze on a hot day, featuring a stunning green color scheme, playful plant patterns, and a rustic charm. Even a simple meal can transform into a grand fiesta with these delightful details.

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This design is incredibly versatile, transitioning from a family reunion to a corporate shindig. It’s all about embracing the excitement of taking risks, like the bold choice of a shag rug. This lively rug becomes the show’s star, outshining its velvet chair and fireplace companions.

Eclectic Artistic View

Elevate your walls from drab to fab by curating a gallery-worthy display that showcases your most beloved artworks. Why settle for a simple wall hanging when you can create your art gallery? Mix and match different styles and themes, and let your creativity run wild from floor to ceiling. 

Image courtesy of Stacey Crawford

Don’t be afraid to add a touch of variety to your gallery wall—ornate frames and sleek photo prints can coexist in perfect harmony. Enhance your decor with sculptural wall art, quirky clocks, and funky fiber art to create a visually stunning and thought-provoking statement.

Pottery Love

The world of ceramic pottery and sculptures always has space for new members, and we warmly welcome you to join us! If you want to add personality to your living space, ceramics are the way to go. No matter if you’re a “less is more” or “more is more” kind of person.

Image courtesy of Kim Garceau

Pottery in warm and natural tones adds the perfect touch to any home decor style. Elevate your interior design by incorporating a collection of ginger jars that will leave your guests with envy. Enhance the aesthetic with pottery accessories to create a statement.

Antlers And More

Antlers and rustic decor have become incredibly popular recently. Embrace your inner farmer and elevate your space with these wild ideas. Transform what is traditionally associated with ruggedness into a charming flower hanger. Set your imagination free when decorating your favorite nooks.

Image courtesy of Gina McGuire

Let your creativity run wild and unleash your inner interior designer while sprucing up your beloved corners. Bringing a touch of nature into your home is always a fantastic idea! Rustic decor pieces like bark plant pots or a bark-carved head can branch out your style.

Dolly Parton Chair

Did you know that in Nashville, people can enjoy a Dolly Parton-themed bar where they can sit back, relax, and sip on a cool drink? You can also bring a piece of the country queen into your home. Dolly Parton has not one but two shiny Guinness World Records under her belt.

Image courtesy of Jordan Wilson

Most Decades with a Top 20 Hit and Most Hits on US Country Songs Charts by a Female Artist (a whopping 107 total). It’s only natural that someone in this wide world would have a dazzling golden Dolly Parton accent chair.

Cozy Sleeping Nook

Creating layers and surprising touches are the keys to realizing a maximalist design. Spending more time in a maximalist atmosphere will cause you to become increasingly aware of its contents. We all agree that a flashy and colorful bedroom can be entertaining.

Image courtesy of Dorianne McCreary Jarchow

However, your bedroom should remain a tranquil space. While it should be bright enough to appreciate your design, you should also have the ability to create a more subdued ambiance when it’s time to wind down at night. Opting for a lamp with a low-wattage bulb is the ideal solution.

Animal Prints

It’s debatable whether or not to decorate your home with animal patterns since, while they’re classic, overdoing them with them might make your space appear tacky. Choosing the right prints for your space is like picking the perfect outfit—it’s all about the colors, scales, and how much you flaunt it!

Image courtesy of KM Lewis

The zebra print is a classic choice, like fine wine or a good joke. And let’s not overlook the timeless allure of leopard print—always stylish, always fierce. To elevate your space, consider incorporating snakeskin or cow-inspired rugs. Each has its unique beauty, adding charm and ambiance to the room.

The Wow Factor With Color Blocking

Color blocking is akin to a vibrant rainbow party for your walls. It’s a fantastic technique to inject vibrancy into a dull space and highlight your home’s best features. And who says color blocking is limited to just two colors? Let your creativity run wild with a multitude of hues!

Image courtesy of Adam Sattley

Let’s break the rules and add some spice to the mix. Color blocking is the perfect way to add a playful pop of personality to any space. Dare to be bold with your color selections and watch your space transform into a jaw-dropping masterpiece.

Contrasting Colors

The bold and daring maximalist move of mixing contrasting colors in a space is like a symphony of hues dancing together perfectly. Blue and Orange certainly know how to make a statement and bring some serious joy to create a cozy den.

Image courtesy of Instagram | @home_ec_op

Bold-colored furniture is an excellent method to make a striking statement. Experiment with various fabric hues and textures to maintain an intriguing ambiance as you adorn the space. Imagine adding an orange pumpkin couch to your living room and accentuating it with a statement-making blue built-in bookcase.

Patterns and Wallpapers

This room is a perfect example of how to master the art of maximalism by seamlessly blending in colors and textures. The artsy gallery wall, vintage coffee table, and accent wall all come together to create a space that feels both familiar and intriguing.

Image courtesy of @dazeyden | DAZEY LA

It’s a veritable treasure trove of design elements that keep drawing you in for more. The enchanting interplay between the tile-inspired wallpaper and the striking red couch and brown armchair is a sight to behold. Who needs minimalism when you can find harmony and intention in maximalism?

A College-Kid Home Office Vibe

Neutral walls are like a timeless white shirt—they never go out of style. However, if you’re ready to embrace the bold and the beautiful, it’s time to bid farewell to your comfort zone and say hello to the world of maximalism.

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Select lively hues that harmonize with the existing decor to create a masterpiece. Transform your workspace into a vibrant haven with a striking turquoise feature wall, a new white desk, a verdant cabinet, and an array of eye-catching artworks and textiles. This bohemian maximalist design is perfect for a productive and personality-filled workspace.

Trellis Dream

Who says you need acres of land to achieve a garden bursting with personality? Trellises are back in vogue, offering a fantastic opportunity to transform a dull garden into a lovely paradise. With dynamic patterns and the support of trellises, your climbing plants can reach new heights.

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This trellis setting is a beautiful alternative to old flower pots. It also works beautifully if you’re looking for a way to expand the garden. Spice up your small space with antique planters filled with various flowers. The textural impact never looked better!

Zoning Small Areas With Colors 

With the right paint ideas, you can transform your space into a conversation starter without breaking the bank. Let’s unleash our creativity and paint the town (or at least your walls). If you want to make a statement, fully embrace your color scheme when highlighting different areas of your cozy abode.

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Instead of a plain and boring room, you can wrap everything up in vibrant and lively color schemes. From the walls to the ceiling and even the floors, create a space that will leave your guests in awe and wondering if they’ve stumbled into a work of art.

Superb Fireplace

This exquisite 1960s home in Sydney, Australia, is a true masterpiece, adorned with bursts of radiant primary colors in every room. It’s evident that the renovation was a stroke of brilliance, creating a space that is simultaneously vibrant and sophisticated.

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We drew inspiration from the captivating landscape and seamlessly brought it indoors with stunning graphic floors bound to leave you in awe. The white-painted brick walls are an ideal backdrop for an abstract mural, infusing the space with elegance and sophistication. How charming!

Lemon Yellow Terrace

If you believe your tiny terrace can’t be transformed into a stunning oasis, you’re in for a pleasant surprise! Transform your petite terrace into a snug hideaway with a stylish flair of your choice – whether boho-chic, Scandinavian, or minimalist. 

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Embrace the boldness of vibrant monochromatic tones and transform your tiny terrace into a maximalist paradise—no need to limit yourself when you can go all out and create a stunning outdoor space. Add a tent for maximum impact and turn your terrace into a vibrant haven.

Dashing Business Office

When designing your home office, balancing captivating decor and a productive work environment is important. Like crafting a perfectly balanced cocktail, choosing the right color scheme is key. Incorporate a dash of boldness, a touch of sophistication, and a lot of personality to create a space that inspires creativity and focus.

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Patterns are like spices in a dish—too little, and it’s bland; too much, and it’s overwhelming. Find the perfect balance for your space. This exuberant home office is a maximalist’s dream come true. With a shared desk that’s perfect for collaboration and daring statement lighting, you’ll have a touch of whimsy to inspire creativity.

Cotton Candy Kitchen

Prepare to be mesmerized by this daring and delightful cotton candy-themed kitchen. The combination of pink walls, lilac cabinets, and a bold neon floor creates a match made in heaven. The playful vibe is elevated with neon yellow accents throughout.

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Let your kitchen become a vibrant reflection of your personality. Embrace the essence of maximalism and infuse your space with bold decor and eclectic accents that resonate with who you are. Add pops of color in unexpected places, incorporate captivating artwork, and watch your kitchen transform into a masterpiece.

Boho Design

Let’s mix and match colors and patterns to create a bedroom that’s a true reflection of your individuality. The possibilities are endless, with a plethora of styles to choose from—vintage, glam, mid-century modern. Embrace your chosen style and adorn the space with decor that perfectly captures its essence.

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For example, if we’re aiming for a boho vibe, let’s embrace the beauty of bold boho textiles and let this bedroom burst with energy. Picture a captivating rattan bed frame paired with sleek wooden nightstands; all brought to life by a daring rug and vibrant bedding.

A Kids’ Study Room

While opting for a neutral and serene kids’ room may seem like the conventional choice, let’s not overlook that our little ones love vibrant colors. Why not create a space that ignites their imagination and makes studying or working on group projects a joyful experience?

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This boho maximalist study room is an absolute visual delight that can captivate anyone for hours. The combination of the hot pink desk, green chair, and vibrant textiles creates a playful and energetic atmosphere that can make studying an enjoyable experience for any child.

Lovely Color Pallete

Who says primary colors are just for kids’ playrooms? With a touch of finesse and a dash of creativity, these bold hues can infuse your dining room with a playful yet sophisticated vibe. Let’s lay the foundation for a harmonious space by starting with a neutral flooring option.

Image courtesy of Pinterest | Fábio Moura

To achieve a neutral yet sophisticated look, engineered wood flooring is the go-to choice. Its timeless style provides the perfect backdrop for your dining room. Let’s add a splash of vibrancy by painting the walls in captivating cobalt blue, allowing the colorful accessories to take center stage.

Wall Vases

Flowers are the ultimate interior design accessory that can bloom your space all year round. Enhance your home with these charming wallflower vases that will add a touch of elegance and charm. These vases’ mid-sized and slightly flared design makes them versatile and practical for various floral arrangements.

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And these blue wall vases add a sweet twist to your decor, bringing your walls to life with a touch of whimsy. It is the perfect harmony between the floral abundance and colors, and the vessel’s form is simply delightful.

Nurturing Creativity

It’s amazing how kids’ imagination can turn a simple bedroom into a Hollywood-worthy movie set or a magical fairy tale land. Turns out, some amazing ideas for kids’ rooms are actually achievable. Achieving a perfect blend of youthful creativity and a sense of humor is the key. 

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Unleash the boundless creativity of your little ones in a room that reflects their vibrant and imaginative spirit. The color palette knows no limits, from soft pastels to bold and lively rainbows. Adorn the walls with daring artwork that sparks their imagination, fill the room with playful toys, and create a cozy haven with plush pillows and rugs.

The Heart Of Any Home

The perfect kitchen exists, and we can prove it. This kitchen is serving up a delicious combination of grey cabinets, an aqua-colored island, and a matching fridge; all topped off with a dash of rust walls and bright backsplash tiles. We agree that the classic and timeless white kitchen is like fine wine.

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These vivid colors will make you reconsider the neutral hues because they never go out of style and will keep your kitchen looking fly for years. Life is too short for a bland kitchen! Add some color to the heart of your home.

Taking Maximalism Outside

While neutral tones have their place in modern design, this home’s bold and saturated exterior color choice is a refreshing departure from the norm. It’s a statement piece that demands attention and sets the tone for what’s to come inside. Let’s not make your landscaping look like it’s wearing a uniform. 

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Mix it up a bit! Embrace the beauty of organized pandemonium by ditching balance and symmetry. Forget the monotonous row of basic plants and have a vibrant tapestry of diverse flora instead. Mix and match various plants to create a dynamic display of colorful blooms and lush foliage.