Beyond The Grain: 30+ Showpieces Of Exquisite Woodworking And Craftsmanship

By Stuart W

Wood is one of the oldest building materials. People have been using it for various projects since the dawn of civilization. It is versatile, beautiful, resilient, and relatively easy to manipulate and shape. Over the years, tools and techniques have evolved, which has opened up new and exciting possibilities for anyone working with such material. The potential of a piece of wood is only limited by the user’s imagination. 

This article looks at the objects that have elevated woodworking into an art form. This listicle has all sorts of wonders, from clocks to beds, houses, and everything in between. We’ve designed and sanded down this list for you, resulting in 45 awe-inspiring projects to spark your imagination, creativity, and appreciation for wood.

Beautiful Clock

This is a stunning example of what a bit of woodworking skill can produce. In this case, the designer has taken a beautiful slice of a tree and set it into a resin surround to create this magnificent and unique timepiece.

@Danet Heng

Seeing a cross-section of a tree turned into a piece of art can produce gorgeous, visually stunning results. The fact that it has been turned into a wall-mounted clock also gives it an element of utility. We’d love this on our wall.


How about this for a place to sleep? This beautiful, handcrafted bed is a magnificent piece of handiwork that looks fit for royalty. You’d need a royal-sized bedroom to fit it in, which might be challenging for most of us.

@Adesh Kuma

Everybody loves a nice comfortable bed, but this one goes beyond comfort. This is more like a status symbol. We can only imagine the hours and effort of building this excellent piece. We can imagine ourselves resting on this masterpiece. Time for a snooze!

Soccer Themed Seat

Soccer is the biggest sport in the world and is played and enjoyed by billions of people all across the globe. Folks may argue about many things, but they agree that soccer is universal, and the architect of this project has taken it as inspiration for this piece.

@Paco Design – wyj?tkowe meble dla dzieci

It’s between a sofa and a bed and is delightfully framed by an imitation soccer goal. It’s fun and engaging and looks to be very well made. Any child, especially those who love the sport, would be over the moon to have this in their room.

Bespoke Speaker

Most people have an audio system in their homes, but few can claim to have such a stunning speaker as this one. This looks like a one-off piece, and it’s hard to beat for sheer craftsmanship. This isn’t something you see every day.

@Woodworking kingdom

It looks beautiful and has almost turned something functional into art, deserving admiration and imitation. This is why craftsmen and artisans enjoy working with wood – the tactile nature of the material is stunning. We’d love to have a sound system similar to this.

Set of Tables

How about this for a stunning set of coffee tables?! Whoever created these three unique pieces loves using wood as a medium to create stunning furniture. They used three different types, all equally gorgeous; the results speak for themselves.

@Adesh Kumar

We have three different pieces that are all tied together by their shapes and nature. It is a perfect example of how different textures, grains, and colors can produce differing results but still work together. We only have one word for this: outstanding.

Bed Frame

This woodworking bed frame is simple and elegant and has that sort of tactile feeling that folks often associate with well-crafted furniture. In its simplicity lies its strength and the clean and straight lines it utilizes to form different shapes.

@Annie Zura

Whereas some pieces we’ve seen are beautiful because of their elaborate and intricate nature, this bed frame’s strength lies in its uncluttered, clean lines and aesthetically pleasing design. The versatility of wood lends itself to these types of projects.


When practicality meets beauty, the results are something like this. The artist here has taken a section of a tree and shaped it in a way that is incredibly pleasing to the eye. It demonstrates that anything can be turned into art.

@R.K. Woodworking

The skill involved in producing something as magnificent as this is quite astonishing. We wouldn’t know where to begin. If you know who built this wonderful lamp, let us know! It’s much better than any lighting fixture we’ve seen.

Beautiful Table

This table has a vital element of graphic design about it; the way the corner collapses into a Tetris-like cascade of tumbling towers reminds us of a print by the artist M C Escher. Anyone would be proud to claim this as theirs.


Asymmetric designs such as this one can be visually appealing. This is especially true when the quality of the design and the work is as strong as it is in this example. As kitchen tables go, this is one of the best.

Dark Wood House

As one of the oldest building materials that humankind has used for shelter, there is no shortage of timber-built houses worldwide. However, very few of them are as beautiful as the one in our next entry. Prepare to be amazed.

@Avadh Rani

It has a certain foreboding quality brought on by the unbroken dark wood of the front facade. That being said, it is quietly beautiful in its design and construction—a very effective and high-quality example of woodworking skills we could wish we had.

Purple Wood

If you love purple, this has got to be as close to your dream kitchen as you will find. If you are not so keen, this one probably won’t appeal to your sense of style. It is indeed a bold choice!

@Amazing Woodworking Ideas

By keeping the majority of the color scheme in a single block of color, the designer of this impactful space has managed to accentuate the natural shade of the timber. The effect is striking, although not to everyone’s taste.

Woodstrip Detailing

This is quite a subtle way to integrate wood into your decor. By locking these thin strips of wood into a tilework style, this interior designer has effectively softened the solid lines on the walls. This is yet another conversation piece.

@Jenny Fong

While it may look very lovely and introduce another element into the interior of this home, we would hate to be responsible for repainting the walls. We wouldn’t mind turning this space into a home office because we can spend hours in there.

Freddie Mercury!

We hate to play favorites, but we love this entry. Freddie Mercury was the Queen frontman and is one of the most famous singers in rock and roll history. This artwork would look fantastic adorning any home, especially those of adoring fans.

@Elen Wooden Art

We’re not sure of what techniques were utilized to produce this fabulous portrait, but by the look of it, it was made by somebody with a lot of talent and skill. This is definitely one for those who enjoy music.


Not only does this trolley mean business, but it is also one of the more practical examples of woodworking we’ve encountered. With its array of drawers and shelves, it is useful and stylish. It has wheels, too, for easy transportation.

@Keegan Dunnings

Practicality and beauty are often seen to be diametrically opposed concepts when it comes to design. This well-crafted wooden trolley proves that such is not always the case. The metal frame accentuates the wood’s texture; we love this combination and want to see more of it.

Log Arch

Archways are often used in a garden environment to divide the space and provide a natural focal point for the eye to settle upon. This archway was built from a selection of logs and achieves the desired effect. Any garden would look better with it.

@Avadh Rani

Every piece of wood is unique to itself, and in constructing something like this, the unique qualities of each piece are brought to the forefront. It’s a beautiful piece of work. The logs’ differing sizes and shapes make this look exceptional.

Swing Seat

Not only does this swing seat and attached swing look very comfortable (and fun), but it also has the artistic characteristics of a sculpture. When paired, the black metal and the light wood produce a pleasing effect on the eye.

@Vla Voka

Somebody has clearly put a lot of work into designing this piece of garden furniture to be as aesthetically pleasing as possible. We have to say, we think they have succeeded. We would love one of these in our garden. How about you?

Coffee Table

Sometimes, the best-looking pieces of furniture are simple, but the quality of the craftsmanship speaks for itself. That is the case in this example of woodwork that can be described as a work of art. It’s the definition of understated elegance.

@Amazing Woodworking Ideas

It belongs in a minimalist-styled house, where its pleasing shape, clean lines, and angles can speak for themselves. We think this style would also look great in a darker wood tone. You can never go wrong with something as exquisite as this.

Dark Wood Shelving

This dark wood, wall-hung shelving unit is a fantastic and practical storage solution that goes beyond mere practicality. As seen in the photo below, anything can be displayed and artfully on the shelves – memorabilia, keepsakes, travel souvenirs, you name it.

@Jenny Fong

The Bonsai tree is the centerpiece of this well-crafted and artistic shelving unit, and the effect is calming and soothing. It’s an exquisite and stylish piece of woodwork, and it’s the sort of thing that would elevate any wall it was on. 

Stylish Worktop

Who would have thought that a humble worktop in a utility room could be transformed into such a stunning piece of art? That’s what we are looking at in this next entry. The imagination and skill to produce this gem deserves applause.

@Avadh Rani

This was made with real love and dedication to the craft. The artisan with the vision to shape and form this worktop has unquestionable talent. Additionally, their eye for design is evident in their work. Whoever commissions this artisan is a lucky fellow.

Cat’s Play Area

This magnificent construction is hard to beat as a place for a cat to frolic around. The dedication of the animal owner in building this labyrinthine play gym is only matched by the display of skill and craftsmanship. Now we know where the satisfied look on the felines are from.

@Avadh Rani

It’s very pleasing to the eye and is an excellent example of something practical and helpful being turned into an object that is more akin to a piece of art. The cats in this home must be a happy bunch. Who wouldn’t be if you had something as magical as this?

Reclaimed Materials Hut

This is a lovely demonstration of what can be made from found and reclaimed materials. The builder here has been very busy making this whimsical little hut for their yard. The fact that it’s a jumble adds to the appeal.

@Stefan Re

It must take someone who has the vision to produce something like this. Its ramshackle nature makes it look very quirky and it is undoubtedly a unique piece of work. It reminds us of a children’s story where folks live in shoes and have unicorn friends.

Internal Tree (Wine Store)

This is a unique and special way to store your wine! By replicating the look and feel of a tree and bringing it into the home, the creator of this marvelous and innovative construction has elevated wine storage into an art form.

The way the branch fans out to frame the full-length window is a particularly nice feature and helps tie the room together. This is almost sculpture-like in its beauty, and anybody who sees this would be jealous. We see this becoming the talk of the neighborhood.

Bird Feeder

If you are a keen ornithologist, this well-crafted bird feeder will be up your street. The shape, the materials, and the location all come together in a very attractive way, and it’s the perfect thing for the birds to perch on and enjoy their meals in.

@Steve Johnstone

Sometimes, a constructed object jars against its natural setting, but in this case, the thoughtfully chosen style sits comfortably within its environment. It’s a beautiful and sympathetic piece of work, something the builder should be proud of.

Model Home

This little wooden dollhouse is a well-crafted and detailed piece that shows off the inherent possibilities of working with wood. The precision cuts and fixtures of this are quite stunning. If dolls had feelings, they’d be beaming with pride, calling this home.

@Woodworking kingdom

There’s something very pleasing about seeing models such as this. The wrap-around balcony is a particular highlight of this miniature house. We wonder if it is modeled on an actual house or from imagination. Either way, it’s great!

Pair of Tables

This pair of Gaudi-style occasional tables are unique and wonderfully tactile. There is something very soothing about their smooth outlines and flowing surfaces. It is another example of practicality turned into art and would look great in any living room.

@Adesh Kuma

Wood is a very expressive medium to work with, and the possibilities are almost limitless. Imagine the amount of sanding and finishing that would have been needed to produce something as soft-looking as this—a great accomplishment. Whoever made this must have been so proud of themselves.

Wooden Style Shower

Most bathrooms and showers are tiled because that is the most practical and cost-effective way of waterproofing an area that is often exposed to moisture. Whoever designed this beautiful shower had other ideas, and the effect is brilliant.

@Sey Parak

We suspect that the materials used here may be some wood laminate, but the overall effect softens the space and gives it a warmer feel than usual. It must be a very relaxing place to start the day while scrubbing yourself clean.

Beautiful Kitchen Table

This looks like something out of Minecraft. the base appears to have been intricately crafted out of Lego bricks. It’s eye-catching, bold, bright, and one of the more unusual kitchen tables we have encountered. That’s saying something considering we’ve seen many.

@Avadh Rani

It takes a couple of seconds to realize that it is a model of a dragon looking up at the sky and breathing out a great plume of fire. From conception to execution, whoever designed and built this has smashed it out of the park.

Unusual Magazine Racks

As pieces of clever design, these magazine racks are brilliantly stylish. They are unusual and provide a visually appealing storage solution. It’s quite a simple concept at heart, and if we’ve learned anything important, it’s often the simple things that work the best.

@Adesh Kumar

The racks appear very well crafted and put together; nothing is flimsy about them. Solid, simple, and useful, it is pretty much everything you want in a piece of practical furniture. It would be helpful in keeping things neat and tidy.

Wooden Porch

A porch is a simple canopy extending over a house’s front door. While they are simple, that doesn’t mean they don’t have to be elegant and well-crafted. This example greatly illustrates how beautiful a material wood can be for different parts of the home.

The whole front facade of this house is lovely and simplistically beautiful. The wooden porch is the crowning element, and it all fits together in a pleasing and practical way. We’d also like to point out that the dark wood contrasts the whitewashed walls.

Mountainscape in Wood

This simple and effective artwork uses planks angled in opposing directions to give an impression of a mountain range. The creator of this piece has used LED lights between the layers to add to the ambiance in a masterful way.

At heart, it’s a very simple concept, but the reason this works so well is the execution. It’s definitely a well-made piece of work that someone with lesser talent will have a hard time producing, and it sits on the wall in a very pleasing way. 

Collection of dog Lamps

We just love this collection of dog lamps. They are positioned in various poses, and it’s a playful and engaging piece that brings a smile to the face. Aside from providing much-needed lighting, they also bring fun and whimsy to any space.

@Dau Thanh Binh

We particularly like the way that the wires that link the lamps to a power source have become a part of the figures and serve to represent the canines’ leads. It’s a very cleverly designed ensemble and one of our favorites. 

Swing Chair

This looks like a highly indulgent and relaxing place to sit. Not only is it designed in a refined and visually appealing way, but it also looks like an incredibly comfortable furniture. The setting adds to the sense of decadence.

Cleverly, the shape of the chair echos the waves of the ocean, lending it a sense of cohesion with its environment. Creations like this are a perfect way to use wood as a building material and its sympathetic design works.

Chicken Coop

This is one of the most amazing chicken coops that we have ever seen. It’s relatively unusual for somebody to house their chickens in such a luxurious palace, but that’s the case here, and we love it. This is the definition of being ‘extra’.

It’s a very an excellent example of woodwork elevated to art, but we wonder whether the run could have been a bit bigger for the chickens to strut around in. That being said, these animals are clearly very well-loved and provided for.

Wooden Interior

This is a stunning interior, and as so often is the case when working with wood, the effect is something tactile and easy on the eyes. This seems like such a comfortable and relaxing place to be. we wouldn’t mind spending the weekend here, away from the noise of the metropolis.

It resembles a Scandinavian chalet and looks like it would be a great place to snuggle up during a long, cold winter. We’d love to visit this place and have a long relaxing holiday. We can already imagine ourselves reading our favorite book with a cup of warm cocoa.

Wooden House

This is another demonstration of what a pleasing material wood is. There’s something almost spiritual about the use of timber in this photograph. Many people are big fans of wood; if budget weren’t an issue, they would choose it instead of other materials.


The house sits on its rock foundation, and the whole construction is done very sympathetic to the natural environment in which it sits. We would absolutely love to live here. It would also make an excellent getaway whenever you want to disconnect and be one with nature.

Clothes Peg Sideboard

This effective and clever piece of furniture takes its stylistic cues from the humble clothes peg. The designer magnified the idea into something that is practical and gorgeous. How many times have you seen such a cleverly-designed sideboard?

A clothes peg is quite an unusual object to use as inspiration, but it goes to show that you can find beauty in the smallest and most mundane items and transform them into unique and thought-provoking pieces such as this.

Wood and Glass Hybrid

One of the brilliant things about working with wood is that it is versatile and pairs incredibly well with various building materials. In this case, we can see how wood and glass can go together to form such an impressive effect.

It looks to be the base of an outdoor table and would provide a pretty cool talking point for guests. It’s one of the most interesting and unusual table bases that we have ever seen! We’d be mighty proud to own something as unique as this.

Epic Decking

Decking is one of the most fantastic and effective additions someone can make to their garden or yard. Even a simple decking structure can add sophistication and interest to the blandest of spaces. This example is on a whole other level, literally!

It’s multi-tiered and features several seating areas, a fire pit, and beautifully formed steps. It’s a stunning example of a creative and exciting way to use a garden space, and it would be a brilliant spot to hang out at.

Dice Clock

This stylish and cleverly designed clock face uses dice to denote its numbers. It’s quite an understated piece, which serves to emphasize its originality and refinement. Fancy having this in your home? We do! It’s a guaranteed to start conversations.

It’s an example of that classic design maxim: less is more. The face is uncluttered and simple, and this would be the perfect gift for somebody who likes to have a little gamble every now and then. we can’t imagine anyone refusing this timepiece.

Bed Hut

Describing this entry as a mere bed doesn’t do this astonishing piece of construction justice. It is both intricate and sturdy, with a certain rustic quality to it. Say goodbye to basic beds because this has taken rest and sleeping to another level.

It has plenty of shelf space and even a little bookcase built into it, and it is built by somebody who understands the importance of getting a good night’s sleep. This looks like the perfect place to catch a few z’s.

Wooden Bunk Beds

This is another example of how wood can be used to build a fantastic and unique space. This caters to two persons while giving each of them privacy. This luxurious bunk bed has built-in storage space and an actual staircase.

It’s beautifully designed and appears put together. We love the little details like the under-bed storage space and the slats that take up the back of the shelving unit. We can share the room with someone else and wouldn’t complain if we had a bed like this.

Sleeping Platform

This reminds us of a hobbit home! It looks so snug and cozy that we don’t think we’d ever want to leave this little hideaway. The door, the stairs, and the eaves of the ceiling all tie the room together into a cohesive whole.

The different areas of wood all echo each other, and it all serves to soften the room. The fact that the walls are all white and the decorations are so tasteful also adds to the whole ambiance of the place.

Crazy Stairs

This magnificent staircase is more than just a set of steps; it is a truly breathtaking work of art. There is not a straight line in sight, and the result is mesmerizing and almost surreal. Whoever built this must be staggeringly talented.

It looks like something out of a Tim Burton film. Even the lighting plays into the design of the piece, the light and shadow working together in perfect harmony. You’d never get bored of going up and down this majestic creation.

Cute Lamp

Whoever designed this lamp has a lovely sense of humor. However, the way it is tilted in this image suggests that this cute little wooden lamp is feeling a bit sorry for itself. We’re sure it would look happier if it straightened up.

It has to be one of the most expressive lights that we have ever seen, and it even comes with little feet! It’s a very clever and playful design and would be the ideal addition to a children’s room. We’re adults, and yet we like it.


This is simply amazing and looks like great fun as well. It’s another example of how reclaimed and found materials can be patched together to form something cohesive and a truly unique and interesting structure. We feel like we have been transported into a fairytale.

It must be great fun for the kids to have in their garden, and they must get lost in creating their own imaginary worlds. We love the little patio and colorful flower beds. If we lived in a magical land, this would be our address.

Crazy Clock

This clockmaker looks very pleased with himself, as he should be! What he’s created here goes far beyond a standard timepiece and looks like it could have come straight out of Alice in Wonderland! We’d gladly part with our money to bring this home.

The way it wraps around itself gives it a fluid look. Who knows how long it must have taken him to create, but the result is worthwhile. This looks like a true labor of love. We take our hats off to you, sir!